Invisible Shoes - Barefoot Running Sandals

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

medium 17km

today's medium distance run was scheduled for 17km. I planned to wake up nice and early at about 4:30am to get ready and go out before starting my day. I fell asleep really early last night and my eyes opened at 2am. After using the washroom, checking my email and whatsapp messages and whatnot, I tried to go back to sleep, but by then it was futile.

Around 3:45am I went out for my 17km run. I ran across Kishon, up Hayarqon and Hayarden, 3 loops around Dolev, back out to the end of Road 10 and back home for 17km. Felt good. Air was decent enough.

It was nice being out so early. No cars on the road allowed me to run in the street more than usual. Especially with so many of them having been recently repaved, it is much smoother in the streets than on the sidewalks.

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