Invisible Shoes - Barefoot Running Sandals

Friday, May 31, 2024

good 9

 On CloudFlyer

good 9km run. felt good. Decent pace. taking off yesterday was a good move.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

easy 5.5

 On CloudFlyer

it took me time to get out this morning. I woke up tired and was finding every excuse to skip the run and go back to bed. Eventually I pushed myself and got out. My compromise was that despite having wanted to run a bit longer, in the range of 7-8km, I felt good being happy I got out at all and made it an easy 5.5km , no frills no thrills.. Sometimes just getting out is a win

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

slow 5

 On CloudFlyer

5 slow kilometers. I wanted to run but knew I couldnt really - still sore and tired legs from past few runs, so compromise was to go out for a recovery run of sorts - slow and short to stretch the legs. 5km at a slow pace

Monday, May 27, 2024

good 7

 On CloudFlyer

good early morning 7km run. made sure to get out early before it gets too hot, as a significant increase in temps is expected for today. Ran well, a little tired but overall good run.

Sunday, May 26, 2024

good 6.5

 On CloudFlyer

good 6.5km run this morning. did some early work and got back with enough time for a run before the day started. Thanks to Lag Baomer, the kids didnt need to go to school, giving me that time slot to run. good run, felt strong, 6.5km at a good pace

Monday, May 20, 2024

very good 5.5

 On CloudFlyer

I was not going to run today after getting up a little too late and thinking I wouldnt have time. I found time and was going to keep it very short, but went for a normal run, and ended up running 5.5km at a really good pace

Sunday, May 19, 2024

good 6.5

 On CloudFlyer

good early morning 6.5km run. Now that summer is here and it is hot on a pretty consistent basis I have to make more of an effort to run early before it gets too hot. good run at a good pace, felt strong.

Saturday, May 18, 2024

good 5.5

 On CloudFlyer

back to outdoor running. Tonight was tough - body still feels worn down and after Shabbos and all that, but I got in a good run even though it was slow. 5.5km at a slow but not horrible pace

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

good 2.5

 On CloudFlyer

good 2.5km run. ran this morning so didnt want to run too much now so I can hopefully run tomorrow morning again. felt good, ran strong.

Monday, May 13, 2024

good 5

 On CloudFlyer

good 5km run. felt good. was going to run shorter but felt good and kept going

good 3

 On CloudFlyer

good run but it is late after a long day and I had just eaten dinner so I kept it short even though I was feeling good. 3km at a good pace

Sunday, May 12, 2024

short 2

 On CloudFlyer

came back late after shabbos and decided to just do a short run. tired after a long day. 2km at a decent pace, felt good. probably could have gone further.

Friday, May 10, 2024

good 5

 On CloudFlyer

a good strong Friday afternoon 5km run (indoors). Nothing exceptional but felt good and strong.

I dont understand though how I used to run half and full marathons at faster paces than my strongest and fastest runs of today in which I feel if I would run any faster my body would explode.

Today I actually took a minute to figure out the programming on the treadmill and set it to the best of my ability. I was very impressed when I saw the treadmill stats were almost exactly the same as the stats of the run on my gps watch. As I have said before, I dont understand how a gps watch tracks indoor running accurately, but now I know it clearly does!

good 5

 On CloudFlyer

Went for a late run at night (indoors) after a long day and actually had a good run. 5km at a good pace and felt good and ran strong.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

ok 5

 On CloudFlyer

better [indoor] run today than yesterday's run. Still not great but was a decent run. Treadmill was set to a stronger pace than yesterdays and I felt decent while on the run and was able to run past 5km. Could have run a little more but started a bit later than usual and didnt have time for more, but at least when I finished I didnt feel finished.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

last 3

 On CloudFlyer

After not running for a bit, and now being in transit, this mornings 3km run (indoors) felt like the last three kilometers of a marathon. I really felt lousy, so clearly have to ease back into it and get my stamina back. the room was also warm and I couldnt figure out how to adjust the temps so that might have affected things as well, but in general I just felt like I didnt have the strength...