Invisible Shoes - Barefoot Running Sandals

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

great 8

had a great 8km run this morning. felt good, cool but nice weather, ran hard, got 8 at a fast pace.

This being my 7th consecutive day running, I don't always seem to pick up the patterns of my running. Meaning, I dont know why today i was able to run faster and my legs werent as tired but a couple days ago I ran a super slow pace and could hardly move my legs. I have been suspecting it is influenced, at least partially by my shoes - I alternate between a couple of different pairs of running shoes and have noticed that I tend to run faster on days I wear one specific pair and slower on days I wear the other. I haven't really tracked it, and I know I have slow days in my blue pair and fast days in my red pair as well, but overall, I think I tend to have fast days more often in my blue pair and slow days in my red pair. There are so many factors that might have an influence that I don't really know if that is true and accurate or just an inaccurate observation and anecdotal at best, but I will continue trying to pay attention to that

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