Invisible Shoes - Barefoot Running Sandals

Friday, May 18, 2018

concluding 5km

worn out from a long and tiring day yesterday, I woke up early having planned a long run, but it wasnt meant to be. too tired. I went back to sleep without even resetting my alarm.

An hour and a half later I woke up and though still tired and feeling worn out I decided to go out and run.

The only remaining problem was that there is another sharav right now with extreme heat and dry winds. So between that and my lack of energy, it seemed only a short run would be in my cards for today.

I loped around my regular course for a lazy 5km run. I felt completely baked from the heat, but I got the run in.

Thus concludes my 36 day running streak. Maybe after shvuos I'll start another streak, with no holidays in sight for a couple of months, or maybe I'll just get back to running on a normal schedule. We'll see

This weeks run totaled 49km.

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