Invisible Shoes - Barefoot Running Sandals

Friday, November 25, 2016

closing a long distance week

Today was going to be a tough run, because  I had to go to sleep last night. I had to go to the airport, then a memorial service in memory of one of the victims of a terrorist attack 2 years ago, then an engagement part for the daughte rof a neighbor, and then I had to also work. So I figured I would not get up as early as I would hope to to get a long run in.

And that's what happened. I woke up early enough but was too tired. I reset my alarm twice, and eventually forced myself out.

I ended up running 12km at a decent pace. The wind was bad but not as bad as it was the past couple of days. it was much colder though.

I was worried about air quality because of the fires raging throughout the country, but there are none in the immediate area of Bet Shemesh. Funnily enough, while normally Bet Shemesh has one of the worst levels of air quality in the country, right now we very well might have one of the best levels.

10 consecutive days running. This weeks 7 runs from Saturday night until today give me a total of 58km for the week!

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