Invisible Shoes - Barefoot Running Sandals

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

medium 10

I actually went out today without thinking about a plan for what i was going to run. I just went with the default 5-7. Once I started running I realized it is Wednesday and if I want to get a "medium" distance run in, this is the only day for that. So, I decided right then that I would run 10km.

The weather was great, but for the first time in a while I felt actual soreness in my leg muscles - not the normal feeling of my legs feeling tired or heavy, but actual soreness, as if I ran a marathon, though not even close to that bad.Just sore muscles from running more distance - clearly not from running too fast. So I took it slow and careful.

I ran across Kishon then up Hayarqon, then across Hayarden to the top by Dolev and then back around to home, finishing at just over 10km.,..

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