Invisible Shoes - Barefoot Running Sandals

Monday, December 5, 2016

highs and lows

8km. day 20.

I did some stretching last night. My legs felt really sore. After the stretching they felt much better, and this morning's run was decent, in that regard.

It did have its ups and downs. While the run was decent, there were some points early in the run where I just felt like bailing, saying enough is enough, I just wan to go get some more sleep. But then as I approached the 5km mark I flirted with altering my route to one that would give me about 10km or even 11km if I would want it. I decided not to and when I pulled in at just above 8 I was satisfied that I had not, but it was strange to both want out early and to want to go further in the same run...

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