Invisible Shoes - Barefoot Running Sandals

Saturday, November 25, 2017

back to running

after two weeks off, my groin muscle felt almost completely better. I only felt it when stretching my leg at a certain angle, and even then, only slightly. After two weeks off I felt it was time for a run. Life is really different without running. I was hungrier, I ate more junk, I was more tired and earlier in the evenings, and I felt sedentary. The time to run had come.

Unfortunately as soon as I started running I felt it again. Oh well, I think I am just going to keep running and push through it, at least until I cannot.

Anyways, the schedule called for an 11km run tonight. It was as bad as a typical Saturday night run with pit stops and general discomfort, but I got my slow 11km in and I am happy to be back on the road

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