Invisible Shoes - Barefoot Running Sandals

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

moody 10

I wasnt going to run today. I had a late night last and was tired. I woke up early but decided I was better off not running. I thought there might be a chance for a mid-day run, but was not booking on it. It turned out I was too busy and unable to get that in, so I figured a short run tomorrow, and then maybe a long Friday run. As the afternoon went on, I was trying to think how I could squeeze a run in, but kept getting the schedule frustrated between eating dinner and running and kids, I did not see how it would work.

Then the kids frustrated me and I decided I was going to go for a run and not make dinner. And I had a great run. I ran fast and finished 10km in under an hour! This is the fastest I have run in a long time. I ran hard but I wasn't really straining myself. I guess being in a mood is good for a good run.

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