Invisible Shoes - Barefoot Running Sandals

Thursday, April 5, 2018

leaving the hood

Today was a big day. For the first time in a very long time I ran out of the neighborhood. That is a big psychological step.

I was planning to run between 12 and 13km, depending on how the later km would feel. I started with my usual "cross kishon" route, and then decided to run out of RBS to the 375, exact distance depending.

I ended up running all the way out to Etziona Junction and then back. Everything felt great so I just kept going. My total distance ended at 14.5km. For most of it my pace was decent, though the last 2-3km were significantly slower.

I went out a little later than usual and today is a little hotter than usual, so the later km were both at the tail end of my abilities but also in hotter temperatures. Overall, a great run with great progress made.